Thursday, January 9, 2014

Lookout Mountain

I didn't know anything about Lookout Mountain except it was a place I should go and visit. I'd been wanting to visit for about a year, so when I finally got the opportunity because a friend lives across the street from it, I thought it would be great to go. I thought we could walk there, and then I pointed out a couple of parking lots at the base of the mountain, asking if that was it. No it wasn't it.

We started driving up the mountain, which is when I realized that this was actually a mountain! I've had a phobia of cliffs since I was little, particularly driving on cliffs, driving up and down mountains with windy roads that lookout at an expanse of nothingness that you can fall down and die in the most frightening and terrible way!

I guess I should have known from the name- Lookout *Mountain,* but as I explained to my friend I go to lots of parks all the time that are named all sorts of things that actually have nothing at all to do with what's actually at the park. I really did not put any more thought into it than it was a place I wanted to go. I started freaking out a little and crying a little too, but we pulled off and he drove instead. It was still super intense, but it was really beautiful.

There's a ton of stuff to do at the top including the Buffalo Bill Museum, the lookout itself, a Nature Center, park, trails, etc. I think you should definitely check it out at least once. If you're terrified of heights and cliffs, like I am, then you can also take the I-70 route to get up there which isn't bad at all.

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